Neural Systems and Behavior Requirements

Area Requirements

In addition to the Departmental course requirements, the Areas may add requirements. Following are the current requirements for Neural Systems and Behavior.

Required (in addition to stats):

  1. Core Concepts in Neural Systems and Behavior (eliminating Core Concepts in Behavioral Neuroscience and Core Concepts in  Animal Behavior)
    1. This is required of all new students
    2. Offered once per year
  2. NSB seminar
    1. Required of all NSB students and faculty
    2. Offered weekly across all 3 quarters

                                                               i.      Likely Weds 11:30

  1. Core Concepts in X (chosen with advisor)
  2. Core Concepts in X (chosen with advisor)

Flexible: choose 2 from this list

  1. Advances in NSB
  2. Neurosci 501, 502, 503 or 504