Graduate Research Festival

Student speaking in front of screen with slide of presentation during the festival

The Psychology Research Festival has been a part of the the graduate program for over 50 years. This activity culminates in a formal presentation of work at the annual Psychology Department Research Festival, held at the end of Spring Quarter (typically the Wednesday after Memorial Day). Clinical students present at the end of their second year in the program. All other students present at the end of their first year.

The 2025 Research Festival will be in-person on Wednesday, May 28, 2025 at the Waterfront Activities Center.

It is designed to emulate a professional scientific meeting as much as possible. Hence, there are two different rooms where talks are given simultaneously, and abstracts are provided along with the program. The talks are usually 15 minutes long with a 5 minute question and answer period.

Buffet table with lunch and students/faculty lined up on both sides to collect food

Concluding the Festival, an Awards Ceremony will honor students who received the following: Distinguished Teaching Awards for Graduate Students, Alcor Graduate fellowships, Earl (Buz) and Mary Lou Hunt Endowed Fellowship for Graduate Students, Barbara Sarason Endowed Fellowship in Psychology, Jaeger Fellowship in Clinical Psychology, and Psychology Department Scholars. The faculty recipient of the Davida Teller Distinguished Faculty Mentor Award will also be revealed during the ceremony.