Emergency Resources

Last updated: 2/7/23

These resources have been compiled as a result of crowdsourcing and researching information. While they are meant to inform and benefit members of the Psychology Ph.D. Graduate Program, not all of these resources are directly connected to or endorsed by the Department.

Emergency Aid [Psychology Ph.D. Graduate Program Specific]; Bolles Fellowship Funds

The Psychology Ph.D. Graduate Program can use our Bolles Fellowship Funds to provide emergency aid to students. Please complete the application form here (UW NetID required). Please note, students who are on financial aid will need to report any funds received via this mechanism as income to the Office of Student Financial Aid.

Emergency Pantry Support Program [Psychology Ph.D. Graduate Program Specific]; Bolles Fellowship Funds

The Psychology Ph.D. Graduate Program is continuing with our pantry program, which provides occasional/emergency support to students for groceries. Students can request up to $75 in a month. Funds are deposited electronically. Please complete this form if emergency pantry funds can assist in your situation. Please note, if you are on financial aid, funds will need to be reported as income to the Office of Student Financial Aid. In this situation, please contact the Grad Program Advisor (psygrad@uw.edu) regarding another potential mechanism to receive emergency pantry funds.

Short Term Loans

The Office of Student Financial Aid has funds available for short-term loans to assist registered students. This is a loan which must be repaid. There is no interest but there is a $30 service charge. Graduate Students may apply for up to $3,200. If you have any questions, feel free to talk to a counselor in the Office of Student Financial Aid, 105 Schmitz Hall, or call 206-543-6101.


UW Food Pantry

The UW Food Pantry is available in Poplar Hall, their entrance is on the north side of the building at Brooklyn and 41st.


U-District Food Bank

University District Food Bank (5017 Roosevelt Way NE, Seattle, WA 98105, (206) 523-7060) The University District Food Bank serves residents of zip codes 98102, 98103, 98105, 98112, 98115, and 98125.


United Way of King County

From home grocery delivery to free school and summer meals, our team and resources can help so hunger is the last thing you need to worry about.


Seattle Fresh Bucks

Fresh Bucks is a healthy food program that helps Seattle neighbors afford fruits and vegetables. Eligible and enrolled customers receive $40 each month to spend at participating farmers markets, independent grocers, and supermarkets using the Fresh Bucks Card or Healthy Savings app.


The Psychology Ph.D. Graduate Program recognizes that during these unprecedented times it may make more sense to go on-leave status and not be registered for the quarter. Students who are in good standing with the program may receive up to four quarters of on-leave status (the quarters do not have to be used up all at once). Quarters spent on-leave count in the year-to-degree with doctoral degrees intended to be completed in 10 years. If you may need more than four quarters, there is a renewal process. Full policy and procedure is listed in our graduate manual. Please send an email to the Grad Program Advisor if you would like to discuss scenarios.

Students who are interested in mental health services can schedule a therapy appointment with a counselor. For students in the state of Washington, services are provided via secure video platform or via in-person meetings. Individual, group, and crisis counseling are available through the Counseling Center. Students can also access workshops and other content to enhance their well-being and self-care.

Counseling Center

To make an appointment, schedule online using our Student Portal, or call at 206-543-1240.

  • Online workshops
  • Short-term individual counseling
  • Long-term counseling referrals
  • Crisis response

Hall Health Center

Visit the website to make an appointment for psychiatric care or and medication management, or call 206-685-1011 for more info.

  • Psychiatric medication management
  • Therapeutic referrals

What can you expect from an appointment with the Counseling Center?

We will meet with you, typically starting with an Initial Consultation, to discuss your mental health concerns. We will then work collaboratively with you to develop a plan for next steps. Next steps may include a follow-up appointment to develop effective coping strategies, or referral to other resources including groups and workshops, as well as off-campus services.

What additional options are available this quarter to attend to my mental wellbeing?

There are a number of resources available online, including:

Additional Mental Health resources

  • Supporting Well-Being during the COVID-19 Crisis from the UW’s Center for Child and Family Well-Being which includes resources for guided mindfulness, resources for families with children, and a list of other resources on meditation, mindfulness and resilience.
  • Coping with Fear and Sadness During a Pandemic: a practical resource guide for COVID-19-related psychological distress from Dr. Sanderson (a psychology professor at Hofstra University)
  • A Seattle Times piece on anxiety and fear related to COVID-19 by Dr. Bedard Gilligan, Emma PeConga, and Dr. Zoellner (UW psychology)
  • APA resources and ABCT resources: information and resources collated by the American Psychological Association and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies including guidance on anxiety, coping, remote work, and finding a therapist.

UW Student Technology Loan Program

Allows registered students to borrow laptops, cameras, projectors, and other equipment for free.


City of Seattle

The City of Seattle has free and discounted devices as part of their surpluses and connections.


UW SafeCampus

UW’s violence-prevention and response Program. Available Mon-Fri 8AM-5PM excluding UW holidays.


National Domestic Violence Hotline

Provides lifesaving tools and immediate support to enable victims to find safety and live lives free of abuse. Available 24 hours / 7 days a week.


UW Legal Services

An on-campus law office that provides a safe and confidential space for all UW-Seattle and Bothell students who have legal questions or concerns.
