Department of Psychology Faculty Awards and Recognition: May through October 2016
September 2016
Sheri Mizumori’s work on neuron powered navigation is currently being featured in Pacific Science Center news.
Wendy Stone’s research, on baby teeth and how they may tell if prenatal exposure to chemicals increases the risk of developing autism, made it into the UW Today.
Liliana Lengua received funding from The Center for Contemporary Mind in Society for her work titled: A Mindfulness Program to Build a Culture of Compassion in School and Strengthen Teacher’s Resilience in Supporting Students Facing Adversity.
Wendy Stone received a subaward of ECHO (Enviorontmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes Program).
UW Today wrote about a study co-authored by Andy Meltzoff and Sapna Cheryan regarding the cultivation of children’s interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, by using social cues. Read it here.
Katie McLaughlin was selected by Thompson Reuters IP and the journal Science as a 2016 Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher.
Sapna Cheryan is spending the 2016-2017 year as a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, at Stanford University. She will be working on a project to help technology companies create more welcoming cultures for women.
Sheri Mizumori | Wendy Stone | Liliana Lengua | Anrew Meltzoff | Sapna Cheryan | Katie McLaughlin |
August 2016
A Society for Neuroscience press release cited recent a recent study from Eliot Brenowitz's laboratory that found that steroid hormones assist in reestablishing functional neural circuits in adult brains, circuits that underlie complex learned behaviors.
Mary Larimer received a grant from the National Institutes of Health for her work investigating craving and cannabis misuse among young adults, using multiple levels of analysis.
Congratulations to Sheri Mizumori who gave the Neil E. Miller Distinguished Lecture at the 2016 American Psychological Association Convention in Denver, Colorado. The title of her talk was Remembering the Past According to Spatio-Economic Frameworks in the Brain.
KPLU (now KNKX) ran a piece on Sheri Mizumori’s research on how the brain keeps you from getting lost. Find it here.
July 2016
Kate McLaughlin received the Klerman and Freedman Prize for Exceptional Clinical Research on child maltreatment and neural networks underlying emotion regulation as a neurodevelopmental pathway to anxiety and depression.
Andrew Meltzoff received the Koffka Medal from Germany for his work on infant social cognition. The award honors scientists who advance the fields of perception or developmental psychology to an extraordinary extent.
Randy Kyes conducted his 100th field course studying conservation biology and global health. This represents a significant milestone covering 25 years of annual field courses conducted in eight countries for both local students and professionals and UW and other US students.
Eliot Brenowitz | Mary Larimer | Randy Kyes | Andrea Stocco | Chantel Prat | Joe Sisneros |
June 2016
Andrea Stocco and Chantel Prat presented at the World Science Festival, in New York City, where they spoke about their Brain 2 Brain Research. The festival had an audience of more than 400 people and was streamed live around the world. You can read more about it in the I-LABS article.
Eliot Brenowitz was quoted in two separate articles, one from the Seattle Times and the other from Wired, about birds. One story is about crows defending their young and the other about mockingbirds learning new songs only when they are young. Check them out here:
Joe Sisneros was elected a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America. Fellows of the Acoustical Society of America are recognized for their conspicuous service or notable contributions to the advancement or diffusion of the knowledge of acoustics or the fostering of its practical applications.
Stephanie Fryberg | Peter Kahn | Marsha Linehan | Susan Joslyn |
May 2016
Stephanie Fryberg received an award from the Raikes Foundation for her work titled Moving Beyond Changing Mindsets: Creating a Culture of Growth in Schools.
Peter Kahn co-authored an article that appeared in Science/Perpective titled Living in Cities, Naturally.
Marsha M. Linehan was the recipient of a Career/Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT). This is the highest award given by ABCT and honors those who have made significant contributions over a number of years to cognitive and/or behavior therapy.
Susan Joslyn was awarded an Improving Public Response to Weather Warnings grant from the National Science Foundation. Her project is designed to explore three psychological issues associated with distrust that may be related to warning forecast communication.