Newsletter Article

53rd Annual Research Festival

On Wednesday, May 29th, the Department of Psychology hosted its 53rd Annual Research Festival featuring the research conducted by 16 students—clinical students present at the end of their second year in the program and all other students present at the end of their first year. Presentations of research spanning all areas within the department took place in two adjacent rooms at the Waterfront Activity Center.

Talks and titles of all participating graduate speakers include:

Ange Vittone, Adult Clinical — An Examination of Disclosure Experience Differences Amongst Sexual Victimization Survivors: Exploration of Alcohol Use, Sexual Risk Behaviors and Mental Health Outcomes

Brenda (Siyue) Qiu , Cognition and Perception — Spatial Attention Modulates Brain Activity Differently in Cortical Visual Areas V1 and MT+

Cara Guthrie, Child Clinical — Caregiver Emotion Socialization & Child Adjustment in Context of Pediatric Cancer

Celine Lu, Child Clinical — A Mixed-Method Examination of Community Mental Health Providers’ Experiences with Burnout

Daniela Muñoz Lopez, Child Clinical/Developmental — Digital Stress and Wellbeing Among Peruvian Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Daniela Seczon, Adult Clinical — The Role of Alpha Oscillations in Sensory Gating in Autism

Haylee Swiger, Social Psychology & Personality — Factors Influencing Perceptions of Native Princess Costumes

Ian Quah, Neural Systems and Behavior — Uncovering Rules for Robustness in Biological Neural Networks

Keith Jamison, Social Psychology & Personality — How racial disparities shape Whites’ perceptions of climate change

Kimberly Nielsen, Developmental — Amistades: Exploring Online Friendship Quality Among Latin American Youth

Mahnoor Hyat, Adult Clinical — Independent Versus Joint Effects of Polygenic or Family-Based Schizophrenia Risk in Diverse Ancestry Youth in the ABCD Study

MJ Schneider, Social Psychology & Personality — Who we are and who we become: Self-concept clarity in the transition to college

Shivani Pandey, Adult Clinical — A Multidimensional Understanding of Avoidance and Rumination During Prolonged Exposure Therapy

Todd I. Obilor II, Child Clinical — Exploring the Association between Sleep Quality and Emotion Regulation Strategies in Adolescents: A Longitudinal Study

Tristan Martin, Social Psychology & Personality — Do Land Acknowledgments Increase Approval of Harmful Institutions?

Zac Trevorrow, Adult Clinical — Latent Class Analysis of Premorbid Functioning in Schizophrenia