Newsletter Section

Graduate Program

Research on HIV Risk Awarded Funds from UW Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute

Neil Gleason and graduate advisor Dr. William George received a one year, $20,000 research award from UW Addictions, Drug & Alcohol Institute for their work titled "A Mixed-Methods Examination of HIV Risk in Men Who Have Sex with Men: Effects of Alcohol and Sexual Compulsivity." 

Diversity Steering Committee Updates

The Department of Psychology Diversity Steering Committee shares updates from recent initiatives, including an undergraduate syllabus rubric, review, and survey of students. 

Population Health Pilot Grant Funds Autism Screening Tool Research

Shana Attar and her advisor Dr. Wendy Stone (Child Clinical) received an eight-month award from the UW Population Health Institute, Tier 1 Pilot Grant Program for their research titled "My Toddler's Social Communication: Examining the Cultural Sensitivity of a New Pictorial Screening Tool for Identifying Toddlers at Risk for Autism in Diverse Cultural, Ethnic, Racial and Linguistic Settings."

UW Psychology Graduate Student Receives National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship

McKenzie Hagen (mentored by Ariel Rokem), received a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship. McKenzie Hagen also received a Department of Energy Computational Sciences Graduate Fellowship. 

UW Population Health Institutes Funds Research on CBT-Based Intervention for HIV Positive Men

Graduate student Liying Wang and advisor Dr. Jane Simoni received an eight-month ward from UW Population Health Institute, Tier 1 Pilot Grant Program for their research titled "Turning to Sunshine: Developing a CBT-Based Depression and Adherence mHealth Intervention for HIV-positive Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)in China Using a Community-based Participatory Approach."