Newsletter Article

Faculty Awards

Kristina Olson Jamie Diaz Jane Simoni Katie McLaughlin Marsha Linehan Andy Meltzoff
Kristina Olson Jaime Diaz Jane Simoni Katie McLaughlin Marsha Linehan Andy Meltzoff

Associate Professor Kristina Olson received the prestigious Alan T. Waterman Award from the National Science Foundation. Dr. Olson is the first UW faculty member, and first psychologist, to receive the award in its history.

Professor Jaime Diaz was selected by the UW Latino Center for Health and recognized at the Latinx Recognition Ceremony on May 2 as part of an annual event that honors the scholarly achievements of Latina and Latino faculty across the tri-campuses of the University of Washington.

Professor Jane Simoni was named a High-End Foreign Expert in China in association with Central South University in Changsha, China. In addition, Prof. Simoni was recognized as part of the High-Level Talent Program with the Jiao Tong University School of Nursing in Shanghai, China where she does clinical research at the Xianhua hospital.

Associate Professor Katie McLaughlin was nominated for the Distinguished Teaching Award by the Center for Teaching and Learning.

Professors Marsha Linehan and Andy Meltzoff were honored as part of the "Top 50 Most Influential Psychologists in the World" by

Professor Andy Meltzoff was awarded the 2018 ‘Whole Child Award’ by the Simms-Mann Institute for outstanding work on behalf of children.