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Department of Psychology 100th Anniversary Logo Design Contest

Next year, marks the Department of Psychology’s 100th Anniversary. The UW Department of Psychology needs a new logo for our 100th Anniversary! We would like to mark this celebration with a new logo that reflects the work, research, and education of our Department.

We are putting out the call to our current and former students, faculty, and staff to help us celebrate by submitting a design that commemorates this exciting anniversary. Please see the criteria, rules, and prizes below. We look forward to announcing the new logo in September as we start the year of celebrations!

Selection Criteria
The Department of Psychology will evaluate all entries based on the following criteria (though other criteria may be considered):
• Relevance - the entry should be consistent with the Department of Psychology’s goals and values;
• Originality - the entry should be creative, innovative, and the original work of the artist entering the contest; and
• Aesthetic Quality - the entry should command attention, display visual balance and color coordination, and contain elements which work together for a unified and appealing design.

We are looking for a design that:
• Captures the excitement and rigor of our global learning community;
• Reflects our core values of innovation, discovery, societal impact, 21st century learning, and community
• Uses "UW Department of Psychology” or “UW Psychology”
• Works within the University of Washington brand.

Who are we?
The Psychology Department is one of the largest in the College of Arts and Sciences at the University of Washington. Our internationally recognized faculty members follow a rich tradition of pioneering fundamental discoveries about the causes of behavior from biological, clinical, cognitive, developmental, and social perspectives.

UW Psychology Department undergraduate and graduate students learn to think critically and creatively about psychological issues through innovative classroom instruction. We also strive to provide our students with a rich variety of research and internship opportunities.

It is an exciting time in the UW Psychology Department. As we enter our 100th year, we look forward to a bright future that incorporates new interdisciplinary visions that enhance our research and instructional potential as well as extend our effort to disseminate new knowledge, ideas, and practice to the public locally and abroad.

The winner will receive a $300 reward in the form of gift cards. If the winning design is produced by more than one artist, the Department of Psychology will award one prize of $300 (dividing the prize equally will be the responsibility of the artist who submitted the design).

The Department of Psychology reserves the right not to select a winner, if in its sole discretion, no suitable entries are received.

Official Rules:
The following are the official rules for the UW Department of Psychology Logo Contest:
• Individuals may submit no more than three entries. Each entry requires a separate Entry Form;
• All submitted work must be the original work of the entrant;
• Each entry must be credited to a single individual. The Department of Psychology Logo Contest does not accept entries from pairs or teams;
• We would like entries to come from current and former Department of Psychology students, faculty, and staff;
• All entries will become the property of the Department of Psychology;
• By submitting an entry, the entrant agrees that any and all intellectual property rights in the logo design are deemed assigned to University of Washington’s Department of Psychology;
• The winning logo will be chosen by a panel of judges appointed at the Department of Psychology's discretion. Their decision will be final;
• The Department of Psychology reserves the right not to select a winner if no entries satisfy judging criteria;
• All entries must be submitted as scalable vectors, and must be adaptable to change, including size alterations and color/grayscale shifts; and
• Contestants are encouraged to refer to University of Washington’s brand guidelines when developing a logo:

How to Enter:
To enter the Department of Psychology 100th Anniversary Logo Design Contest, eligible participants must:

Complete the Official Entry Form on the next page;
• Create a logo design in JPG, PDF, or PSD formats;
• If you are chosen as a winner, you MUST be able to provide a high resolution vector file (e.g., in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop, or InDesign); and
• Submit your completed Entry Form and logo design to by 11:59 PM on July 1, 2016.

Click below for the entry form.

Department of Psychology 100th Anniversary Logo Design Contest

Paws on Science

On the weekend of May 6-8, several members of UW Psychology, including Katie McLaughlin, Kristina Olson, Jessica Sommerville, Kevin King, Sapna Cheryan, Andy Meltzoff and their associated labs, participated in the UW Paws-on Science event at the Pacific Science Center. This three-day outreach event showcased almost 50 UW research groups. Our faculty and labs put together fun acitivites for the kids.

Dr. Sapna Cheryan’s lab collaborated with the Play Works Studio Company to demo robots with the goal of offering hands on experience that is fun for both boys and girls. The robots move using a simple phone app. Children got to program the robots using the phone app to find creative ways of telling the robots to move from the start tile to the finish tile. Children got to either play on preset puzzles or build their own challenges! Some tiles also did different things than the usual tiles to add optional twists to the game. Learn more about Dr. Cheryan’s work visit her lab’s website. To learn more about the app the children played visit this site.

The Social Cognitive Development Lab, PSYCH Lab, the Stress and Development Lab, and the Early Childhood Cognition Lab collaborated and designed activities that showcased various brain-related activities for kids ages baby - 18 years old. They had crafts (pipe cleaner neurons and paper brain hats), an infant memory task, a personality test, and computer games that taught kids about neural reward pathways and selective attention. Click on the links to learn more about the work at the Social Cognitive Development Lab,  Stress & Development Laboratory and the Early Childhood Cognition Lab at the UW Department of Psychology.

Psychology & Our Modern Lives: Department of Psychology Tour Event

This spring, the Department of Psychology was thrilled to have welcomed alumni and donors to Guthrie Hall for tours of three of our labs. Professors Tony Greenwald, Lori Zoellner, and Chantel Prat and Andrea Stocco opened their labs up for a behind the scenes look into how their research is changing lives.

Professor Greenwald walked our guests through is implicit bias test and led a discussion on what the data has and is telling us about our biases. We also learned the history of how his research developed; how it is being used today; and what is next. For an example, Professor Greenwald created a bias test around the upcoming election. If you haven’t taken the test yet or are interested in learning more about Professor Greenwald’s research on bias, click here.

Professor Zoellner and her team walked donors through how they choose participants for their post-traumatic stress disorder research. She also shared how their research is helping those within our communities. One example is their new project working with Somalian refuges that are experiencing PTSD. Professor Zoellner’s lab in collaboration with local and international groups are creating a culturally and religious appropriate therapy to help refugees. The research is currently local and in the pilot stage with the hope of expanding the research to larger local and international populations.  

Professors Prat and Stocco showed us how Super Mario is helping us communicate with the brain. Their lab is exploring the possibilities of direct brain to brain communication. Instead of using a controller, our donors played Super Mario by directly stimulating the brain of a participant controlling the game using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). This lab is also interested in improving the brain and our donors observed how participants can control a virtual hang glider using electroencephalography (EEG) to detect their brain patterns in a neurofeedback experiment designed to improve reading abilities.

To learn more about the research being conducted at the UW Psychology Department, please contact Sarah Burdell, Project Advancement, at 206-616-5274 or As you may have heard, next year is our 100th anniversary. We would love to share how our research is changing lives and how you can join us.

Save the Dates! Upcoming Psychology Events

Dr. Greg Dunn 
Thursday, October 20, 2016
7:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
Kane Hall Rm: 130

Dr. Greg Dunn was awarded a grant from the National Science Foundation to fund an art project that fuses art with science to create the world’s most elaborate and complex artistic depiction of the human brain.

“The point of this project is to completely transform the way in which the average person thinks about the brain. I and my genius collaborator Dr. Brian Edwards have spent essentially four years of our lives dedicated to this work and are now poised to finally unveil this massive piece of art to raise awareness and consciousness about the organ most important to our humanity. It is about connecting people, about inspiring a new generation of brain scientists, and about allowing us to marvel at the utterly insane complexity that is the human brain.”

Come spend an evening to learn about the creation of this artwork that brought together neuroscientists, artists, and engineers. To learn more about Dr. Dunn's work, click here.

Psychology’s 100th Celebration Event

The University of Washington’s Department of Psychology will be 100 years old as of this coming January 25, 2017. We will be hosting events and lectures throughout the year, the details of which will be announced in the fall. We look forward to sharing this celebration with you!

Allen L Edwards Psychology Lectures
Wednesday, March 29, 2017
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Stay tuned! The theme of the evening and lecturers will be announced in the fall.

Thank You to Our Supporters

Your contributions are very much appreciated as they have provided tremendous and exciting support for our students and many new department initiatives. Names appear in alphabetical order.

To learn more about giving to the Department of Psychology, please visit our giving page or contact Sarah Burdell at or 206-616-5274. Thank you again.

Individual Donors

Nadine Anderson  | Anonymous GIfts-Friends | June Argyle | Veronica Asui | Raymond & Norma Baird Jr. | Richard & Deborah Berger | Richard Berner | Brian Biancu | Yasuko Endo & Robert Bolles (D) | Diana & Kevin Boyle | Margaret Branaman | Britton Brewer & Judy Van Raalte | William Budd & Martha Bishop | Brittini Callies | James & Lynn Carlsen | Sapna Cheryan | Dorothy Clarke | Marie Claudio-Diaz & Jaime Diaz | Camille & Steve Coman | Victoria Crocker | Robert Croyle | Daniel Curry | Sharmistha Das | Jean & William Davidson | Jordan Davidson-Campbell | Nancy & E Tom Davies | Fabrienne Doll |Robert Donnell |David Dopps | Haley Douglas | Patsy & Douglas Downs | Kim Ducote | Jennifer & Kurtis Dutton | Elissa Dyson & Clark Ashworth | Cynthia & Robert Eagan | Jacqueine Echols | Allen Edwards (D) | Richard & Margaret Elwood | Mark & Karen Endresen | Michael Fanselow | Anne Fast | Larry Feinstein | Peter Fogliano & Hal Lester | Stephanie Fohn | Agnes Forras & S. John McDonald | Rebekah Freese | Tamar Gendler | Sarah & Paul George | David & Brenda Gilbert | Nancy & Ian Gilfillan | Barbara & W. L. Glenn | Shannon Greene | Donald & Annette Greenland | Anthony & Jean Greenwald | David Griofre | Nancy & Robert Grote | Joel Grow | Gala Gulacsik | Janice Haaken | Priscilla Hagan | William & Ruth Hagenstein (D) | Gordon & Jeanne Hall | Lina & Jason Hannigan | Donald & Robin Harris | Hillary Havlina | Jean & Thomas Heestand | Jeanette Henderson | Lynne Henderson | Joy & James Hereford | Susan Heuer | Carl & Lynn Higuchi | Stephen & Anne Hirsch | Margaret Hix | Thomas Hodges | Seth Holmes | Mika Hosek | Kenneth & Adele Hoving | Sharon Hsu | Audrey Hungerpiller | Susan Hunt & Alberto Navarro | Keith Ikeda | Kathryn Irish | Pamela Irvine-Johnson & Jack Johnson | Sean Jeffries | Sandra & Per Johnsen | Deborah & Scott Johnson | Wendy Johnson | Sean Kaine | Akiko Kamo | Julie & James Kelly | Nancy Kenney | Jeansok Kim & Eun Han | Donna Klein | George & Jutta Kohn | Laura Kray | Paul & Tanya Kulkosky | Ashley Lauderman | Joel Levin | Marilyn Lindsey | Earl & Darielle Linehan | Marsha Linehan | Sara Liu | Lauren Lizana | Geoffrey Loftus | Kathleen & Geoffrey Lowney | Tara Madhyastha & James Maltby | Laura Malcom-Tallon | SueAnn Manipon-Hook | Yaffa & Paul Maritz | Israel Martinez | Craig Mason & Shihfen Tu | Michael & Laureen Matsushima II | Ellen Maxson | Susan & Bill Mirbach | Sheri Mizumori | Dorothy Moore | Hope Morano | Adrian & Pamela Moroles Jr. | David & Kim Mulligan |William & Jodi Murray | Kirby & Janine Nave | Danny Neal | Louis Nemec | Margaret Newsom | Stevan & Dianne Nielsen | Jan Nordmo | Jeanette Norris & Steven Buck | Michael Norton | John Palmer | Vicki Parker & Robert Lee | Candice Phillips | Judy Pigott | Jacqueline Pistorello | Maria Pope & Peter Beatty | James & Margaret Porter | Richard & Karen Prince | Lynell Quimby | Andrea Raker | Jeff Rische & Qing Zhang | Marcus Rodriguez | Randall Russac | Wayne Schoenmakers | Samuel Schwartz | The Family of Malika | Kristina Sherriff | Kevin Shiraishi | Behrooz & Mary Shirazi | Yuichi Shoda | David Shorr | Patricia Showell & Tuong Nguyen | Michael & Dawn Silvia | Michael & Michelli Simpson | David Siphron | Jeanne Slonecker | Gretchen Smith | Ronald Smith | Keith & Janet Sonnanburg | Ronald Soper & Barbara Bunkle | Jana Spasovska | Nichole & John Speaks | Nancy & Russell Spies | Michael Staszak | Martin Stern | Jami Stewart | Sunny & Mike Strong | Alayne & Robert Sulkin | Stephanie & Ernest Talley | Gunnel & Steven Tanimoto | Wendy & Curtis Tanner | Victoria Tennant | Laura & Robert Thomas | James Thompson | Kenneth Uhrich | Karen Van Vuren | Regine von Thiele | Cheryl Wade | Jennifer & Devin Wade | Carole Wahler | Roberta & James Walsh Jr. | Karina Walters & Jane Simoni | Becky Ward | David & Shauna Weight | Marguerite Weis & Terrance Flaig | Adam Weisman | Jennifer Wheeler | Martin & Sally Wikoff | Rebecca Wong | Erik & Erin Wood | John Worrall | Todd & Lynette Worthington | Amy Ye | Penny Yee | Julie & Jeff Ziegler

Corporations and Foundations
American Psychological Association |Arc of Washington Trust Fund |Arcus Foundation |Association Psychology Training Clinics |Baltimore Community Foundation |Behavioral Technology, LLC | The Boeing Company | Brockman, Inc. | Cadence Child & Adolescent Therapy | Caring Counseling Services |Catherine Holmes Wilkins Foundation |Community Psychiatric Clinic |Duke University |Guilford Publications, Inc. | Harvard University |International Mental Health Research Organization |Jacobs Foundation |Jewish Community Endowment Fund | Kirlin Charitable Foundation |Linehan Institute |Marie Institute of Behavioral Technology |Maritz Family Foundation |Massachusetts General Hospital |Portland DBT Institute |Project Implicit, Inc. |Rika Trust |Saul and Eleanor Lerner Foundation |The Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving |Anonymous | Seattle Children's Hospital Research Institute | Simons Foundation | State of Washington |The Wrather Family Foundation |Vanderbilt University |The Vanguard Group

Estates and Memorial
Earl Hunt Graduate Fellowship Fund | In memory of Professor G. Alan Marlatt |Ruth H Haggenstein Endowed Scholarship |Estate of Allen L. Edwards