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Save the Dates! Upcoming Psychology Events

Allen L Edwards Psychology Lectures Series: March 29, April 5, and April 12, 2017

Kane Hall, Room 225

Doors open at 7:00 p.m.

Lectures begin at 7:30 p.m.

Online registration opens in March 2017. Watch for your email invitation to register!

David Gire
David Gire Geoffrey Boynton Katie Mclaughlin

Improving Society through Brain Science

Wednesday, March 29, 2017:

David Gire, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Washington

Zach Mainen, Ph.D., Director, Champalimaud Centre for the Unknown, Portugal

Wednesday, April 5, 2017:

Geoffrey Boynton, Ph.D., Professor, University of Washington

Wednesday, April 12, 2017:

Katie McLaughlin, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Washington

Charles Nelson, Ph.D., Professor of Pediatrics, Boston Children's Hospital, Director of Research, Developmental Medicine Center, Harvard University


Upcoming Winter Colloquium

No registration required. A small reception will follow.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Physics/Astronomy A114 3:30 – 4:30 pm

Edwards Lecturer:

James Elder, Ph.D.

Centre for Vision Research, York University

UW Psychology Faculty Host:

Ione Fine, Ph.D.

Endowed Student Scholarships and Fellowships at the UW Psychology Department

As 2016 comes to an end, we are including a new section to our newsletter: Endowed Scholarships and Fellowships. This section highlights the motivations behind the creation of our different funds as well as the groups of students they benefit. It is also an opportunity to share with donors, alumni, and friends what and who their gifts will support in the Department of Psychology.

If you have questions about donating or setting up your own fund, please contact Sarah Burdell.

Earl Hunt Graduate Fellowship Fund

Earl Busby (Buz) Hunt (January 8, 1933 – April 12, 2016)

Prof. Earl “Buz” Hunt was a member of our faculty for 50 years. Hired in 1966, Buz was a renown cognitive psychologist who made significant advances in our understanding of human and artificial intelligence. He was also very active in department and university administration including serving as Chair of the Department. Buz retired in 2001 but remained active within the Department as Professor Emeritus. The Earl Hunt Graduate Fellowship Fund supports graduate students in the Department of Psychology whose original, independent research extends beyond the domain of their faculty advisors. Buz and his wife Mary Lou created this fellowship in 2010. Since that time, the Earl Hunt Graduate Fellowship Fund has supported 14 students. The Department thanks the Hunt Family for their continued support of our students with this Fellowship Fund in Buz’s name. Read more about the students supported through this fellowship.

Click here to make a contribution to the Hunt fund.


Ned Wagner Memorial Endowment

This endowment was established in the early 1980s following the death of Nathaniel N. "Ned" Wagner, our Director of Clinical Training. It was funded initially with seed money from a departmental honorarium provided by the Western Psychological Association for hosting their 1979 convention in Seattle (Ned was the Convention Manager), and from a special bank account that Ned established and funded by contributing his own speakering fees for the support of graduate students.  Since his death, the Department has used the Ned Wagner fund to support graduate student travel to conferences where they are presenting their work, and it has funded hundreds of trips over the years. Currently, we are supporting five students each year. All gifts to this endowment will go toward increasing the ability to support our students.

Click here to make a contribution to the Wagner Fund.


Aric Chandler Memorial Fund for Undergraduate Student Support

 Aric Joseph Chandler (May 27, 1994 - August 04, 2016)

On August 4, 2016, Aric Chandler passed away unexpectedly in his sleep from a fatal complication of epilepsy called Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy or SUDEP. He was registered to attend the University of Washington after receiving his Associate Degree at Bellevue College. Aric had planned to earn a degree from the Psychology Department that would enable him to pursue his dream of helping others. To honor his memory, Aric’s family and friends have set up the Aric Chandler Memorial Fund for Undergraduate Student Support. The endowment will benefit undergraduate transfer students in to the UW Department of Psychology from a Washington State two- or four-year colleges. Each year, the UW Department of Psychology welcomes approximately 140 transfer students from around the state. We thank Aric’s family and friends for their thoughtful gift. The UW Psychology Department looks forward to celebrating Aric’s legacy and helping others to fulfill their dreams in his honor. You can join Aric’s family and friends to complete Aric's life's work by clicking the link below.

Click here to make a contribution to the Aric Chandler Memorial Fund.  



Ruth H. Hagenstein Endowed Scholarship

Ruth H. Hagenstein’s family set up an endowment to benefit undergraduate students in the College of Arts and Sciences pursuing degrees in psychology and/or sociology. Ruth H. Hagenstein (Johnson) and William D. Hagenstein were both graduates of the University of Washington in 1938. Ruth's studies were in the School of Social Science with interests in the fields of psychology, sociology, and social work. She was a lifelong advocate and supporter for the needs of children. We thank the Hagenstein’s for their support of our undergraduates.

Click here to make a contribution to the Hagenstein Fund.

UW Psychology support funds

Click here to make a contribution to the Friends of Psychology Fund.

Department of Psychology Faculty Awards and Recognition: May through October 2016

September 2016

Sheri Mizumori’s work on neuron powered navigation is currently being featured in Pacific Science Center news

Wendy Stone’s research, on baby teeth and how they may tell if prenatal exposure to chemicals increases the risk of developing autism, made it into the UW Today.

Liliana Lengua received funding from The Center for Contemporary Mind in Society for her work titled: A Mindfulness Program to Build a Culture of Compassion in School and Strengthen Teacher’s Resilience in Supporting Students Facing Adversity.

Wendy Stone received a subaward of ECHO (Enviorontmental Influences on Child Health Outcomes Program). 

UW Today wrote about a study co-authored by Andy Meltzoff and Sapna Cheryan regarding the cultivation of children’s interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, by using social cues. Read it here.

Katie McLaughlin was selected by Thompson Reuters IP and the journal Science as a 2016 Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher.

Sapna Cheryan is spending the 2016-2017 year as a Visiting Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, at Stanford University. She will be working on a project to help technology companies create more welcoming cultures for women.

Sheri Mizumori Wendy Stone Liliana Lengua Andrew Meltzoff Sapna Cheryan Katie McLaughlin
Sheri Mizumori Wendy Stone Liliana Lengua Anrew Meltzoff Sapna Cheryan Katie McLaughlin

August 2016

A Society for Neuroscience press release cited recent a recent study from Eliot Brenowitz's laboratory that found that steroid hormones assist in reestablishing functional neural circuits in adult brains, circuits that underlie complex learned behaviors. 

Mary Larimer received a grant from the National Institutes of Health for her work investigating craving and cannabis misuse among young adults, using multiple levels of analysis.

Congratulations to Sheri Mizumori who gave the Neil E. Miller Distinguished Lecture at the 2016 American Psychological Association Convention in Denver, Colorado. The title of her talk was Remembering the Past According to Spatio-Economic Frameworks in the Brain.

KPLU (now KNKX) ran a piece on Sheri Mizumori’s research on how the brain keeps you from getting lost. Find it here.

July 2016

Kate McLaughlin received the Klerman and Freedman Prize for Exceptional Clinical Research on child maltreatment and neural networks underlying emotion regulation as a neurodevelopmental pathway to anxiety and depression. 

Andrew Meltzoff received the Koffka Medal from Germany for his work on infant social cognition. The award honors scientists who advance the fields of perception or developmental psychology to an extraordinary extent. 

Randy Kyes conducted his 100th field course studying conservation biology and global health.  This represents a significant milestone covering 25 years of annual field courses conducted in eight countries for both local students and professionals and UW and other US students.

Eliot Brenowitz Mary Larimer Randy Kyes Andrea Stocco Chantel Prat Joe Sisneros
Eliot Brenowitz  Mary Larimer Randy Kyes Andrea Stocco Chantel Prat Joe Sisneros

June 2016

Andrea Stocco and Chantel Prat presented at the World Science Festival, in New York City, where they spoke about their Brain 2 Brain Research. The festival had an audience of more than 400 people and was streamed live around the world. You can read more about it in the I-LABS article

Eliot Brenowitz was quoted in two separate articles, one from the Seattle Times and the other from Wired, about birds. One story is about crows defending their young and the other about mockingbirds learning new songs only when they are young. Check them out here:

Joe Sisneros was elected a Fellow of the Acoustical Society of America. Fellows of the Acoustical Society of America are recognized for their conspicuous service or notable contributions to the advancement or diffusion of the knowledge of acoustics or the fostering of its practical applications.

Stephanie Fryberg Peter Kahn Marsha Linehan Susan Joslyn
Stephanie Fryberg Peter Kahn Marsha Linehan Susan Joslyn

May 2016

Stephanie Fryberg received an award from the Raikes Foundation for her work titled Moving Beyond Changing Mindsets: Creating a Culture of Growth in Schools.

Peter Kahn co-authored an article that appeared in Science/Perpective titled Living in Cities, Naturally

Marsha M. Linehan was the recipient of a Career/Lifetime Achievement Award from the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT). This is the highest award given by ABCT and honors those who have made significant contributions over a number of years to cognitive and/or behavior therapy. 

Susan Joslyn was awarded an Improving Public Response to Weather Warnings grant from the National Science Foundation. Her project is designed to explore three psychological issues associated with distrust that may be related to warning forecast communication.

Thank you to our supporters

Thank you to our supporters!

Your contributions are very much appreciated as they have provided tremendous and exciting support for our students and many new Department initiatives. Names appear in alphabetical order.

Individual Donors

Laurel & Alan Ailie ǀ  Nadine Anderson ǀ  Anonymous GIfts-Friends ǀ  Susan Ashtianie ǀ  Clark Ashworth & Elissa Dyson ǀ  Veronica Asui ǀ  Raymond & Norma Baird Jr. ǀ  Lee & Barbara Beach ǀ  Richard & Deborah Berger ǀ  Richard Berner ǀ  Brian Biancu ǀ  Diana & Kevin Boyle ǀ  Abby Braden ǀ  Margaret Branaman ǀ  Britton Brewer & Judy Van Raalte ǀ  William Budd & Martha Bishop ǀ  James & Lynn Carlsen ǀ  Sapna Cheryan ǀ  Carla Chugani ǀ  Dorothy Clarke ǀ  Marie Claudio-Diaz & Jaime Diaz ǀ  Patrick Coblentz ǀ  Camille & Steve Coman ǀ  Emily Cooney ǀ  Darren Courtney ǀ  Victoria Crocker ǀ  Ellwood Crosier ǀ  Robert Croyle ǀ  Daniel Curry ǀ  Sharmistha Das ǀ  Jean & William Davidson ǀ  Jordan Davidson-Campbell ǀ  Nancy & E Tom Davies ǀ  Matthew Ditty ǀ  Katherine Dixon-Gordon ǀ  Robert Donnell ǀ  David Dopps ǀ  Haley Douglas ǀ  Patsy & Douglas Downs ǀ  Andrea Doyle ǀ  Gwendalyn Drolet & Erik Bennigson ǀ  Anthony Dubose ǀ  Jennifer & Kurtis Dutton ǀ  Richard & Margaret Elwood ǀ  Karen & Mark Endresen ǀ  Allen Edwards (D) ǀ  Yasuko Endo & Robert Bolles (D) ǀ  William & Ruth Hagenstein (D) ǀ  Yasuko Endo & Robert Bolles (D) ǀ  Michael Fanselow ǀ  Anne Fast ǀ  Larry Feinstein ǀ  Peter Fogliano & Hal Lester ǀ  Stephanie Fohn ǀ  Carolyn & James Freese ǀ  Rebekah Freese ǀ  Michelle Geer ǀ  Tamar Gendler ǀ  Sarah & Paul George ǀ  David & Brenda Gilbert ǀ  Nancy & Ian Gilfillan ǀ  Barbara & W. L. Glenn ǀ  Godwin Grech ǀ  Shannon Greene ǀ  Annette & Donald Greenland ǀ  Anthony & Jean Greenwald ǀ  David Griofre ǀ  Nancy & Robert Grote ǀ  Joel Grow ǀ  Gala Gulacsik ǀ  Janice Haaken ǀ  Priscilla Hagan ǀ  Gordon & Jeanne Hall ǀ  Lina & Jason Hannigan ǀ  Donald & Robin Harris ǀ  Richard Hastings ǀ  Stephanie Hastlings ǀ  Kendra Hays ǀ  Jean & Thomas Heestand ǀ  Stig Helweg-Joergensen ǀ  Lynne Henderson ǀ  Jeanette Henderson ǀ  Susan Heuer ǀ  Lynn & Carl Higuchi ǀ  Stephen & Anne Hirsch ǀ  Margaret Hix ǀ  Seth Holmes ǀ  Nora Hope ǀ  Mika Hosek ǀ  Kenneth & Adele Hoving ǀ  Robert Howenstine & Merry Watson ǀ  Audrey Hungerpiller ǀ  Steven Hunt & Cynthia Caraballo-Hunt ǀ  Susan Hunt & Alberto Navarro ǀ  Keith Ikeda ǀ  Kathryn Irish ǀ  Pamela Irvine-Johnson & Jack Johnson ǀ  Andre Ivanoff ǀ  Sean Jeffries ǀ  Per & Sandra Johnsen ǀ  Barbara & E. Curtis Johnson ǀ  Wendy Johnson ǀ  Sean Kaine ǀ  Akiko Kamo ǀ  Veronica Kang ǀ  Julie & James Kelly ǀ  Nancy Kenney ǀ  F. Beth Kerr ǀ  Sarah Keyes ǀ  Jeansok Kim & Eun Han ǀ  Donna Klein ǀ  George & Jutta Kohn ǀ  Kathryn Korslund ǀ  Jon Kott ǀ  Ueli Kramer ǀ  Laura Kray ǀ  Paul & Tanya Kulkosky ǀ  Bunny Laden & Glen Gould ǀ  Sara Landes ǀ  Patti & Bill Langdon ǀ  Ashley Lauderman ǀ  Joel Levin ǀ  Jennifer Lewis ǀ  Min Li ǀ  Karen Lichtenstein ǀ  Marilyn Lindsey ǀ  Marsha Linehan ǀ  Earl & Darielle Linehan ǀ  Lance Linke ǀ  Sara Liu ǀ  Lauren Lizana ǀ  Geoffrey Loftus ǀ  Kathleen & Geoffrey Lowney ǀ  Anita Lungu ǀ  Jim Lyng ǀ  Tara Madhyastha & James Maltby ǀ  Laura Malcom-Tallon ǀ  SueAnn Manipon-Hook ǀ  Yaffa & Paul Maritz ǀ  Josephine Marsh ǀ  Israel Martinez ǀ  Craig Mason & Shihfen Tu ǀ  Michael & Laureen Matsushima II ǀ  Ellen Maxson ǀ  James & Elizabeth Mazza ǀ  S. John McDonald & Agnes Forras ǀ  Lynn McFarr ǀ  Caitlin McLean ǀ  Shelley McMain ǀ  Janis Mirbach ǀ  Susan & Bill Mirbach ǀ  Sheri Mizumori ǀ  Dorothy Moore ǀ  Hope Morano ǀ  Pamela & Adrian Moroles Jr. ǀ  David & Kim Mulligan ǀ  Donald Nathanson ǀ  Wendy Nather ǀ  Danny Neal ǀ  Louis Nemec ǀ  Margaret Newsom ǀ  Stevan & Dianne Nielsen ǀ  Jan Nordmo ǀ  Jeanette Norris & Steven Buck ǀ  Michael Norton ǀ  Marsha Olson ǀ  John Palmer & Zelda Zabinsky ǀ  Nathaniel Parker ǀ  Vicki Parker & Robert Lee ǀ  Jill & Eivind Perander ǀ  Francheska Perepletchikova ǀ  Candice Phillips ǀ  Jacqueline Pistorello ǀ  Steven Poltrock & Franca Agnoli ǀ  Maria Pope & Peter Beatty ǀ  James & Margaret Porter ǀ  Richard & Karen Prince ǀ  Lynell Quimby ǀ  John Quinlan ǀ  Andrea Raker ǀ  Jeff Rische & Qing Zhang ǀ  Marcus Rodriguez ǀ  Barbara Rogoff ǀ  Randall Russac ǀ  Debra Safer ǀ  Natsumi Sawada ǀ  Wayne Schoenmakers ǀ  Samuel Schwartz ǀ  The Family of Malika ǀ  Michael Sheppard ǀ  Kristina Sherriff ǀ  Kevin Shiraishi ǀ  Behrooz & Mary Shirazi ǀ  Yuichi Shoda ǀ  Patricia Showell & Tuong Nguyen ǀ  Michael & Dawn Silvia ǀ  Michael & Michelli Simpson ǀ  Roland Sinnaeve ǀ  Joe Sisneros ǀ  John Siy ǀ  Jeanne Slonecker ǀ  Gretchen Smith ǀ  Ronald Smith ǀ  Thomas Soare ǀ  Keith & Janet Sonnanburg ǀ  Ronald Soper & Barbara Bunkle ǀ  Jana Spasovska ǀ  Nichole & John Speaks ǀ  Samantha Spearman ǀ  Nancy & Russell Spies ǀ  Michael Staszak ǀ  Martin Stern ǀ  Jami Stewart ǀ  Brooke & Kevin Stocker ǀ  Ariel Strayer ǀ  Mike & Sunny Strong ǀ  Alayne & Robert Sulkin ǀ  Michaela Swales ǀ  Stephanie & Ernest Talley ǀ  Gunnel & Steven Tanimoto ǀ  Wendy & Curtis Tanner ǀ  Joy Taylor ǀ  Peter & Sarah Tchoryk Jr. ǀ  Victoria Tennant ǀ  Laura & Robert Thomas ǀ  James Thompson ǀ  Marisa Tubbs ǀ  Kenneth Uhrich ǀ  Sheri Van Dijk ǀ  Karen Van Vuren ǀ  Aditi Vijay ǀ  Regine von Thiele ǀ  Jennifer & Devin Wade ǀ  Carole Wahler ǀ  James & Roberta Walsh Jr. ǀ  Karina Walters & Jane Simoni ǀ  Becky Ward ǀ  David & Shauna Weight ǀ  Marguerite Weis & Terrance Flaig ǀ  Adam Weisman ǀ  Dan Wetterborg ǀ  Jennifer Wheeler ǀ  Martin & Sally Wikoff ǀ  Allan Williams & L. Susanne Keller ǀ  Rebecca Wong ǀ  Erik & Erin Wood ǀ  Sara Woolsey ǀ  John Worrall ǀ  Nancy Worssam & William Seach ǀ  Lynette & Todd Worthington ǀ  Christopher & Charlotte Wrather ǀ  Shu-i Wu ǀ  Amy Ye ǀ  Penny Yee ǀ  Serap Yigit-Elliott ǀ  Maureen Zalewski ǀ  Julie & Jeff Ziegler ǀ 

Corporate and Foundation

Anonymous ǀ American Psychological Association ǀ  Arc of Washington Trust Fund ǀ  Arcus Foundation ǀ  Association Psychology Training Clinics ǀ  Bangor University Finance Office ǀ  Behavioral Technology, LLC ǀ  Brockman, Inc. ǀ  Cadence Child & Adol. Therapy ǀ  Caring Counseling Services ǀ  Catherine Holmes Wilkins Foundation ǀ  Community Psychiatric Clinic ǀ  Contemplative Mind in Society ǀ  DBT Centre Of Vancouver ǀ  Finjagarden AB ǀ  Guilford Publications, Inc. ǀ  Integral Business Support Ltd ǀ  International Mental Health Research Organization ǀ  Jacobs Foundation ǀ  Jewish Community Endowment Fund ǀ  Kirlin Charitable Foundation ǀ  Linehan Institute ǀ  Marie Institute of Behavioral Technology ǀ  Portland DBT Institute ǀ  Project Implicit, Inc. ǀ  Raikes Foundation ǀ  Saul and Eleanor Lerner Foundation ǀ  Simons Foundation ǀ  State of Nebraska ǀ  The Boeing Company ǀ  The Wrather Family Foundation ǀ  University of Pennsylvania