Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Project Info

  • Name: Individual Differences in Reasoning and Problem Solving
  • Faculty Advisor: Chantel Prat
  • Department(s): Psychology
  • Area(s): Cognition and Perception

Contact Info

  • Contact Person: Jim Treyens
  • Email: jtreyens@uw.edu


The Cognition and Cortical Dynamics Laboratory (CCDL) consists of a group of researchers interested in better understanding how the brain changes, or adapts, to deal with the ever-present fluctuations in information processing demands. We are currently looking for undergraduates to work in our lab a minimum of 6 hours a week for 499 credit, with a preference for a 2-quarter commitment.

We are looking for people to collect primarily behavioral data, both in-person and online. The current study for which we are recruiting 499 students examines how things like “natural talent” or measures of biological predispositions interact with social/cognitive factors like motivation, self-knowledge, and self-efficacy (your belief in your ability to accomplish something in the future).

Minimum Requirements

willingness to contribute 6 hours per week (in two hour time blocks), commitment to learning and growth

To apply, email Jim Treyens at jtreyens@uw.edu. Use “499 Inquiry” as your subject line. Include your year at UW and (intended) major, previous research experience, and attach your CV or resume.