Undergraduate Research Opportunities

Project Info

  • Name: READi Lab Early Childhood Autism Research
  • Faculty Advisor: Wendy Stone
  • Department(s): Psychology
  • Area(s): Child Clinical, Developmental, Social and Personality

Contact Info

  • Contact Person: Carol A Schubert
  • Email: schubca@uw.edu
  • Phone: (412) 551-3808


The UW READi Lab conducts research on the early detection of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the provision of best-practice services for children and their families. READi Lab projects range from the longitudinal follow-up of toddlers with early signs of ASD, to the training of community-based providers in ASD detection and specialized service approaches. We conduct innovative, cutting-edge, and impactful research aimed at bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and the implementation of best practices within community settings.
Current READi Lab projects include: developing a culturally-sensitive early screening measure for ASD; teaching birth-to-three providers to coach caregivers in strategies for improving social communication in toddlers; and examining child and caregiver outcomes.
We are looking for bright, motivated, and detail-oriented students who are hungry for experience and eager to learn about and contribute to the field of ASD research.

Minimum Requirements

We seek students who are well-organized, responsible, and interested in participating in a variety of activities. Experience in a research setting and familiarity with infants and young children is preferred. Duties may include coding parent and child behaviors from videos, data entry, video editing, preparing study documents/equipment, and other research-related tasks. Availability for at least 9 hours per week is required.