Newsletter Article

Rachel Rae - Profile

Rachel Rae
Photo: Rachel Rae

Rachel is a first quarter transfer student from Bellevue College. Here, she shares her experiences as a new UW student.

What are you excited about experiencing while here at UW?

I have really enjoyed going to football games and being able to cheer for my school. It has already been a great experience being part of such a large community. Of course, I'm also excited about all the academic opportunities, including internships and research projects. UW is an incredible university and the avenues are endless!

Is there anything that has surprised you so far in your UW experience?

I knew that UW was a very large school, but I must say, the sense of community is great. I also was surprised to learn just how competitive things are here.

What have you enjoyed most or found most useful about the Psych TrIG?

I am so thankful for the TrIG course. It is a wealth of information I would have had to take longer to research myself, and I may have completely missed some opportunities. It is also comforting to be amongst other transfer peers who are also pre-psych majors.

Is there anything else you'd like to share?

Go Dawgs!!