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Parenting Conference - June 5th, 2010

Image of conference website

Parents serve a critical role in facilitating children's behavioral, social and emotional development. The faculty and researchers at the UW Psychology’s Center for Child and Family Well-being want to partner with parents as the experts in their children’s development and as being at the “front lines” in working with their children. The Center seeks to bring parents into the conversation about promoting positive development in their children. 

Our faculty are truly at the forefront of the field contributing to knowledge about how parents can promote positive developmental outcomes in children. To share the latest findings from this research with parents, the Psychology Department’s Center for Child and Family Well-being hosted the first UW Parenting Conference in conjunction with Outreach & Extension’s UW Conference on Early Learning:

The third day of the conference highlighted important findings about the role of parents in children’s behavioral, social and emotional development, with faculty translating empirical findings into actionable parenting guidance.  The presenters were UW faculty and researchers who offered the latest findings on children’s temperament, encouraging best behaviors, emotion coaching, mindfulness, and building children’s positive development through sports involvement.

Thank you to our supporters

Special thanks to the following November 2009 – March 2010  supporters.  Contributions help strengthen our department and support a wide range of important research and instructional work by our current students and faculty, as well as recruitment of the very best new faculty and graduate students.  Please let us know if we have accidentally omitted or misspelled your name by writing to Betty Johanna.

Ms. Krystle C. Agtarap  |  Nadine R. Anderson, Ph.D.  |  Ms. Veronica L. Asui  |  Dr. and Mrs. Raymond Baird, Jr.  |  Ms. Kristina L. Bostrom  |  Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Boyle  |  Prof. B. Brewer & Ms. J. Van Raalte  |  Jeffrey and Gail Bromberg  |  Mr. William Budd & Ms. Martha Bishop  |  Mr. and Mrs. Mark N. Burn  |  Dr. and Mrs. James M. Campbell Jr.  |  Mr. and Mrs. James A. Carlsen  |  Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Carter  |  Prof. J. Diaz & Ms. M. Claudio-Diaz  |  Dr. and Mrs. Paul W. Clement  |  Mr. and Mrs. David A. Clifford  |  Rebecca C. Cortes, Ph.D  |  Mr. Christian S. Crandall  |  Mr. David Richard Eberhardt  |  Corey N. Fagan, Ph.D.  |  Dr. Michael S. Fanselow  |  Mr. James Hereford & Ms. Joy Ferkovich  |  Melissa A. Fleming, Ph.D.  |  Stephanie J. Fohn  |  Ms. Jackie M. Fournier  |  Mr. Kevin Goss and Ms. Laura Tiberio  |  Dr. & Mrs. Anthony Greenwald  |  Mr. and Mrs. Gary D. Hack  |  Dr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Nagayama Hall  |  Mr. Christopher B. Hall  |  Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hamilton  |  Dr. Jean and Mr. Thomas Heestand  |  Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Hirsch  |  Dr. and Mrs. Albert R. Hollenbeck  |  Dr. and Mrs. Earl B. Hunt  |  Mr. Herman A. Husen  |  Mr. Keith C. Ikeda  |  Ms. Lisa A. Ingalls  |  Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Johnson  |  Ms. Patricia M. Johnson  |  Prof. Lynn Fainsilber Katz  |  Dr. and Ms. James A. Keyes  |  Prof. Kevin M. King  |  Mr. and Mrs. Bill L. Langdon  |  Dr. and Mr. James N. Larimer  |  William J. Luecke, Ph.D.  |  Mr. L. Tripp & Ms. M. Malarz-Tripp  |  Justin W. Maloney, D.D.S.,FAGD  |  Mr. and Mrs. William L. Mannon  |  Dr. and Mrs. Michael M. Matsushima  |  Robert J. McMahon, Ph.D.  |  Dr. Marian and Prof. Pranab Chatterjee  |  H. Joyce Morano, M.D.  |  Mr. Jan Eric Nordmo  |  Mr. James A. Pautler  |  Gregory R. Pierce, Ph.D.  |  Ms. Julie-Mae B. Prepotente  |  Dr. and Mrs. Richard D. Prince  |  Mr. Saul and Mrs. Angela Reyna  |  Ms. Arleen G. Runkle  |  Ms. Dana M. Ryan  |  Mr. and Mrs. Kevin S. Y. Shiraishi  |  Dr. Jana and Mr. Marvin V. Silva  |  Ms. Carroll P. Smith  |  Prof. Ronald E. Smith  |  Mr. Ronald Soper & Ms. Barbara Bunkle  |  Drs. Craig Mason and Shihfen Tu  |  Cheryl J. Wade, Ph.D.  |  Ms. Chandra D. Wajdik  |  Ms. Jennifer Wang  |  Ms. Becky A. Ward  |  Mrs. Lisa A. Washburn  |  Ms. Marguerite M. Weis  |  Adam M. Weisman, Ph.D.  |  Dr. and Mrs. Martin B. Wikoff  |  Mr. Randall J. Wolbert  |  Rebecca L. Wong, Ph.D.  |  Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Ziegler | 

Behavioral Tech, LLC  |  LISALI LLC  |  Project Implicit, Inc  |  Eleanore Bennett Charitable Trust | Estate of Robert C. Bolles

In honor of Dr. Cheryl Kempinsky
Ms. Donna L. Klein

State Farm Companies Foundation  |  American Association of Retired Persons  |  Krueger International, Inc.  |  Kraft Foods Inc.

Allen L. Edwards Public Lectureship in Psychology

Every year, we are able to offer for free, a public series that is made possible by a generous bequest from Professor Allen L. Edwards.  The theme of the 2010 Psychology Department Edwards Public Lectures (held in February and March) was the Development of Behavior. This series explored the development of our understanding of the relationships between our actions and our goals, how birdsong relates to language and learning mechanisms in humans, and how family and social factors associated with adversity shape brain development and subsequent behavioral adjustments. These lectures were video-streamed live for the first time. If you missed these extraordinary lectures, you can still view them on line at UWTV (, the Research Channel (RC) (,or you can download the podcasts ( view them at your convenience. 

The Development of Thinking About People: From Behavior to Brain – Part 1
Dr. Jessica A. Sommerville, University of Washington
To download the podcast, visit

The Development of Thinking About People: From Behavior to Brain – Part 2
Dr. Rebecca R. Saxe, Massachusetts Institute for Technology

To download the podcast, visit

Learning to Talk, Learning to Sing: Parallels in Humans and Songbirds - Part 1
Dr. Michael D. Beecher, University of Washington
RC Airdates: June 1 @ 12:00am, 6:00am, 12:00pm, 6:00pm
To download the podcast, visit

Learning to Talk, Learning to Sing: Parallels in Humans and Songbirds - Part 2
Dr. Michael H. Goldstein, Cornell University

RC Airdates: June 8 @ 12:00am, 6:00am, 12:00pm, 6:00pm
To download the podcast, visit

Early Adversity and the Neurobehavioral Development of Children - Part 1
Dr. Liliana J. Lengua, University of Washington
UWTV Airdates: June 1 @ 10:00pm: June 2 @ 1:00am, 4:00pm; June 4 @ 11:00pm; June 5 @ 3:00am
RC Airdates: June 15 @ 12:00am, 6:00am, 12:00pm, 6:00pm
To download the podcast, visit

Early Adversity and the Neurobehavioral Development of Children - Part 2
Dr. Philip A. Fisher, University of Oregon

UWTV Airdates: June 7 @ 10:00am; June 8 @ 10:00pm; June 9 @ 1:00am & 4:00pm; June 11 @ 11:00pm; June 12 @ 3:00am
RC Airdates: June 22 @ 12:00am, 6:00am, 12:00pm, 6:00pm
To download the podcast, visit