Newsletter Article

Staff Accomplishments

Carrie Perrin (Director of Student Services) was quoted in the recent University Week “Two new councils bring UW advisers together to collaborate, consult”

Graduate student Erika Feldman, Senior Academic Advisor Vicky Burke, and Media Lab Director Jon Hauser created a Web site giving students a big picture view of the psychology major that was highlighted in University Week. Beth Kerr is quoted in the article. The site is among the projects featured at the May 6, 2009 Symposium on Teaching and Learning. “Learning goals projects among 41 poster presentations at Symposium on Teaching and Learning,”

Michele Jacobs, Shannon Ford, Amanda Patrick and Jon Hauser at the 2009 Distinguished Staff Awards
Michele Jacobs, Shannon Ford, Amanda Patrick
and Jon Hauser at the 2009
Distinguished Staff Awards

Jon Hauser (Media Lab Director), Shannon Ford (Clinic Manager) and Amanda Patrick (Program Coordinator) were nominated for the 2009 University of Washington Distinguished Staff Award Team for the Psychological Services and Training Center. Michele Jacobs (Administrator) was nominated for the UW 2009 Distinguished Staff Award.