Research training put to work for children in Ethiopia
Susan Holmgren first went to Ethiopia in 2006, after finishing her psychology BS and a Masters degree in social work. “It was AMAZING!” remembers Susan, “I loved the food, language, culture, people, and especially the kids…they were all so beautiful!” Susan had long hoped to work in adoption and social work with children. As an undergraduate, she worked with Associate Professor Liliana Lengua, from whom she acquired a passion for research and how it can be applied in practice and in policy advocacy. Susan started working for Adoption Advocates International shortly before going to Ethiopia. That organization helps orphaned children from Ethiopia and other countries by facilitating adoptions in the US and by running sponsorship programs for children who remain in those countries.
“Thankfully, our director recognizes that international adoption cannot meet the needs of all the orphaned children in Ethiopia and therefore has developed sponsorship programs to serve those children who are able to live with extended family members and neighbors while they continue their schooling,” says Susan. “Although I am pleased to be working in adoption, in some ways I am more passionate about the sponsorship programs than the actual adoptions! I made home visits to kids enrolled in each of our sponsorship programs and it was amazing to see the difference the sponsorship makes.”
Susan says that her research training with Professor Lengua has helped in the methods she uses to seek out information for her adoption and sponsorship work. The results of these investigations provide information that is important for the cases of specific children, but also help inform how policy should be shaped to aid many other children and families. “UW was amazing! Psychology students have such great opportunities,” observes Susan.
Susan is now working to expand the sponsorship programs in Ethiopia to include a wider range of social and psychological support services and to extend these to children in more remote, unserved locations. More information about Adoption Advocates International, which is based in Port Townsend, can be found at www.adoptionadvocates.org. n
Living the Fairytale - Peter Kithene
What are some elements of a classic fairytale? There may be monsters to slay. There may be magic afoot. And, surely, there must be a hero. Native Kenyan and UW psychology alumnus Peter Kithene (BA, 2007), is living the role of the hero in a fairytale of his own making. The monsters are poverty and disease. The magic—perhaps 98% hard work and vision, and 2% serendipity. Last fall, Peter was one of six people chosen as CNN Heroes. “The event was like a fairytale,” says Peter, remembering the internationally televised award ceremony where he received a$25,000 award for his work building a health clinic in western Kenya. (Peter had previously won $10,000 as a Heroes finalist.” )
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Peter Kithene |
The , which Peter founded while still an undergraduate psychology major, focuses on serving widows and orphans in poverty-stricken and disease ravaged rural Kenya. Now a first-year graduate student in the UW School of Public Health, Peter splits his time between Kenya and Seattle, directing the work of the clinic and pursuing a Master’s degree in public health. It’s a delicate balance, made possible by Peter’s drive and determination and the love and support of his wife Katrina and 16-month old son Matho (who he calls Simba). Eased, perhaps, by the CNN Heroes award and the influx of good wishes and donations it has brought.
Thinking about how his life has changed following the CNN award, Peter reflects that people treat him differently, “but in a good way,” he says. “Also,” he adds, “you become more responsible.” Humble words from a young man who emerged from a childhood marked by the loss of six young siblings and the deaths of both parents when he was twelve, to travel across the world and study psychology at the UW. Why psychology? “I came from a background where none of my peers moved beyond where we were,” explains Peter. “I wondered—where does this drive I feel come from? Where does the hope come from, and how do I instill that in others?” Peter believes that his study of psychology has helped him to answer some of these questions.
Peter plans to develop a network of “the best healthcare delivery systems in rural Africa,” and to provide leadership in the healthcare field. The CNN award has given Peter international exposure and the opportunity to bring his message of inspiration to a wide-ranging audience. While the vision and drive were clearly part of Peter’s basic character, he credits his study of psychology for giving him skills to help realize some of his dreams. Remembering classes that were foundational for him—especially as a person coming from a background different than that of most U.S. college students—Peter credits Psychology 250 (Racism and Minority Groups) and 345 (Social Psychology) with giving him the tools to survive. And, don’t forget Psychology 315… “My statistics class in psychology is so helpful!” As a new graduate student, Peter says that Psychology 315 has given him an edge over many of his fellow students.
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Clinic Patients |
Having already achieved more than an ordinary lifetime’s worth of accomplishments, Peter is clearly living an extraordinary life. Recently asked to be a guest speaker at a fundraising concert in Boston for the group VUMA-Kenya, Peter was honored. Upon receiving the invitation, he demurred, saying that he just wanted to be there “as a Kenyan.” The response came… “No—you are a leader now.” Words that may take some getting used to, but that Peter is surely to hear for a long time to come. The hero’s charge, in the fairytale story of Peter Kithene. To learn more about the Mama Maria Clinic and find out how you can help, visit www.mamamaria.org.
Third Annual Allen L. Edwards Psychology Lecture Series
Discovery and Healing: Research Serving Humanity
The Allen L. Edwards Psychology Lectures bring prominent psychologists to the University of Washington to co-present with faculty from the UW Department of Psychology. This free, public series is made possible by a generous bequest from Professor Allen L. Edwards. The 2008 series addresses research in the fields of ethnic minority adolescents, at-risk youth, and the workings of the unconscious mind. UWTV will tape the Allen L. Edwards Psychology Lecture Series. To find out when the lectures will be aired, please visit UWTV.org
February 20, 2008
Family Values and Culture in the Successful Adjustment of Ethnic Minority Adolescents
Nearly half of this country’s children under five years of age are now ethnic minorities, pointing the way to a demographic shift that will reshape our country, as well as the way we study children and families. Dr. Cauce will discuss African- and Mexican-American parenting styles and how they serve to hinder or help adolescent adjustment. Dr. Conger will focus on how contextual forces, including socioeconomic status, neighborhood factors, and marital relationships set the stage for parenting amongst African- and Mexican-American families of adolescents.
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Ana Mari Cauce Dean, College of Arts & Sciences, Earl Carlson Professor of Psychology, University of Washington |
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Rand Conger Distinguished Professor of Psychology, Department of Human and Community Development, University of California, Davis |
February 27, 2008
Symbolic Understanding in Infants and Young Children: Challenges and Benefits
One of the most pressing concerns for child service providers is dealing with youth who engage in conduct problem behaviors such as aggression and delinquency. In this lecture, Dr. McMahon will discuss the development and evaluation of a comprehensive intervention to prevent the development of serious conduct problems in school-age youth who are at-risk. Dr. Tolan will focus on promising efforts and continuing limitations of current scientific knowledge to identify and intervene with child and adolescent conduct problems.
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Robert J. McMahon Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Washington |
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Patrick Tolan Director, Institute for Juvenile Research, Professor, Department of Psychiatry and School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago |
March 5, 2008
The Psychology of Blink: Understanding How Our Minds Work Unconsciously
Recent psychological research has revealed widely-held unconscious thought patterns that most people would rather not possess. Dr. Greenwald describes his research developing the method (described in Malcolm Gladwell’s Blink) that reveals this unconscious mental content, demonstrates the method, and describes how the unconscious mental content that it reveals affects our behavior. MacArthur awardee Dr. Cooper will describe her research on how patient race influences patient-physician communication and physician clinical decision-making, including her efforts to design interventions to negate these undesired racial/ethnic health-care disparities.
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Anthony Greenwald Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Washington, Director of the Laboratory of Implicit and Unconscious Cognition |
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Lisa A. Cooper Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology, and Health Policy, & Management Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health |
Staff Awards
Elaine Franks - 2007 Distinguished Staff Award for her support as administrative coordinator of the research and clinic operations of Professor Marsha Linehan.
Carrie Perrin – named Co-Chair, Undergraduate Academic Advising Council, Pangaea Award from UW International Programs and Exchanges
Michelle Garner, Research Coordinator, Addictive Behaviors Research Center, Jon Hauser, Media Lab Director, and Beth Rutherford, Assistant to the Chair - nominated for Distinguished Staff Award
Special thanks to the following 2006-2007 supporters:
Steven F. & Diane E. Adam
Randall L. & Kathleen G. Ahn
Dawn Aiken & Miguel de Campos
Alan S. & Laurel E. Ailie
Keith & Tanya M. Alter
Gayle L. Anderson
Jeffrey S. & Sarah H. Anderson
Nadine R. Anderson
Amalia Annest
Yolanda Arellano
Susan Michel Ashtianie
Veronica L. Asui
Ralston H. Bahem, Jr.
Raymond & Norma J. Baird, Jr.
Joe & Genne S. Baleto
Kim Barrett & William George
Augustine Medeiros & Ariadna Beauchamp
Lowell L. Benson, Jr. & Carol Jamel- Benson
Eric C. & Anne P. Berry
George Q. & Helen Bissonnette
Susan & Jim Blair
Elizabeth A. Blencoe
Stacey A. Blyth
Ashley M. Boek
Denise M. Boelens
Joseph A. Boldan
Mark E. Bouton & Suzanne Legault-Bouton
Kevin P. & Diane Renee Boyle
Alison Julia Brammer
James H. & Bonny Brauch
Britton Brewer & Judy Van Raalte
Mike & Marguerite A. Broderick
Jeffrey & Gail Bromberg
Diana K. Brown
Philip K. Brown
Randall M. Brown
Stacey Mizokawa Brown & Stephen Scott Brown
William T. Budd & Marty Bishop
Kelly M. Bui
Suzanne C. Burgess
Mark N. & Laura M. Burn
Claire B. Butrymowicz
Ms. Jennifer R. Cailier
Gary L. & Emalee J. Calkins
James M. & Renate L. Campbell Jr.
Steven G. Campf
Patricia Canterbury & Eddie Dimond
James A. & Lynn M. Carlsen
Scott A. Carsey
Michael D. & Patricia M. Carter
Scott O. & Denise R. Carty
Mary Denise Carver
Tyon V. B. Castro
Karen K. Chan
Dennis M. & Miste Chandler
Pranab & Marian Chatterjee
Teresa J. Chen
Stella Y. Chow
David & Joy S. Clifford
John P. & Patricia M. Coan, Jr.
Charles J. & Geraldine D. Coates
Thomas J. & Claire Murphy Collins
Susan Elizabeth Condiotty
Rebecca C. Cortes
Rodney J. & Lori A. Craig
Christian S. Crandall
Jennifer Satran Craven
Claudette Cummings
Marlene T. Daehnke
Cathy A. Daniels
Emilie N. Dao
Jordan J. Davidson-Campbell
Irena Davison
Patt Denning
Robert Edward Donnell
F. Daniel & Kay F. Duffy
David H. Dun
Ann Easterbrooks
Kelly L. Erickson
Estate of Alfred Allina
Estate of Robert C. Bolles
Estate of Allen L. Edwards
Diane Estrada
Lisa I. Evans
Joseph R. & Mary S. Everest
Violet J. Ewing
Michael S. Fanselow
Joy Ferkovich
William E. & Florence H. Feroglia
Todd E. & Suzanne L. Fiebig
Richard D. & Christina Marie Figgins
Ralph J. & Karen I. Fishburn
Michael D. Ciyndy Fitzgerald
Melissa A. Fleming
Peter M. Fogliano
Stephanie J. Fohn
Jackie M. Fournier
Rebecca L. Fox
Sandra P. Frankmann
Adam Joseph French
Byron N. Fujita
Steven R. Galper
Kirsten M. Garner
Elizabeth & Michael Geitz
Paul A. & Sarah K. George
Daniel Gerler
David G. & Brenda O. Gilbert
J.R. Larson, Jr & I.R. Gochman
Nancy A. Gonzales
Wadl & Shannon Gonzales
Mary Ann Goodwyn
Stanley Y. &Sheri A. Goong
Davis W. Lamson & Sally Gordon
Leslie Gordon-Johnson
John A. & Theresa S. Gose, II
Scott & Katherine Grainger
Damon W. & Angela R. Graves
Karl I. & Kristin W. Green
Stephen G. & Helen J. Green
Anthony G. & Jean A. Greenwald
Julienne Grove
Eric Gurrad & Dana Hughes
Priscilla A. Hagan
Christopher B. Hall
Jason & Lina M. Hannigan
Joel R. & Jennifer E. Harris
Jean & Thomas Heestand
Brian C. & Joyce E. Hensen
Donald E. Hertzog
Yukiko C. Y. Hida
Margaret E. Hix
Christine K. Ho
Margaret Hobart & Linda Dimeff
John E. Hogden & Marion Dubeau
Albert R. Laura E. Hollenbeck
Susan & William Holliday
Warren G. Holmes
Scott D. & Gretchen E. Houghtaling
Kenneth L. & Adele Elaine Hoving
Richard A. & Jill M. Hultquist
Earl B. & Mary Lou Hunt
Eric & Catherine Hutchison
Mary Jane Hynes & Peter Brissing
Keith C. Ikeda
Ronald S. & Gail L. Irving
Susan M. Jackson
Peter W. & Deanna V. Jacobsen
Alexander B. & Heidi T. L. Johnson
Clyde S. Johnson, Sr. & Shirley I. Jahnke-Johnson
Scott A. & Deborah D. Johnson
Patricia M. Johnson
Jamachia Mya Jones
Lucas A. & Richelle L. Jordan
Albert A. Kariya
Sharon L. & Rodney M. Kazama
Ms. Susan Janet Kendall
Kwai J. Kendall-Grove, Ph.D.
Kevin M. King
M. Kennee & Chandra L. Kinnee
Tracy H. & June V. Kole
William Krieger & Gail Newfield
Paul J. & Tanya M. Kulkosky
Donald Jones & Katrina Kuzyszyn- Jones
Bill L. & Patti Lee Langdon
Brian R. Larson
Jomar Mariano & Suzanne Le
Frederick R. & Jamie G. Leach
Janis Leigh
Matthew R. & Dana Lynne Len
Liliana J. Lengua
Marilyn A. Lindsey
Earl L. & Darielle D. Linehan
The Linehan Family Foundation
Marsha M. Linehan
William B. & Judith A. Little
Rodney L. & Barbara Ann Loveless
Peter J. & Kathryn Ellis Mackintosh
Thomas L. Maider
Leland Tripp & Michelle Malarz- Tripp
Laura C. Malcom-Tallon
Patrick J. Manley & Ann Marie Carey-Manley
William L. & Wendy M. Mannon
Craig Mason & Shihfen Tu
Michael M. & Laureen Hisayo Matsushima
Laura Mc Closkey
Ellen K. McCann
Kevin & Amy Marie McCullough
Robert J. McMahon
Debbie Diane McNab
Aida Zainab Mekouar-Lahlou
Mack Jones & Ms. Teresa Menard
Fred W. Miller
Judyth I. Mirante
Nicholas S. & Judith E. Moe
Michelle M. Moore
Thomas R. Moore
Ryan A. & Elizabeth A. Morales
Elizabeth A. Morales
Felipe G. Castro & Juanita Morales- Castro
Adrian & Pamela Anne Moroles, Jr.
James P. & Julie M. Morrison
James Humphreys & Elise Murowchick
Frederick M. & Julie Ann Nelligan
James & Jennifur Newhouse
Tan Hung Marie Ng
Stevan L. & Dianne L. Nielsen
Stephen C. Mitchell & Stephanie Nishimoto
Kelli Nomura-Sutton & Jerry Sutton
Jan Eric Nordmo
Jeanette Norris & Steven Buck
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Norman Page & Chih-Chuan Hsu
Electra & Howard Paskett
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John A. & Janie P. Pell
Michael & Judy Pearsall Peterson
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Michael Podlin
Steven Poltrock & Franca Agnoli
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Richard D. & Karen G. Prince
Anthony P. & Christine N. Pydych
William D. & Carol L. Quigg
Barbara L. Radovich
Roger K.P. & Sharla J. Rauth
Warren M. & Laura L. Riggs
Christopher S. & Melanie Ruiz
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Douglas G. & Maria U. Russell
Mitsuye Y. Sakaguchi
Wayne Schoenmakers
Holly M. Sher
Michael J. & Kaya A. Shimer
Randall T. Shiraishi
Galen R. Shorack, Jr.
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Maurice B. Shurman
Steve Siefert
Jana & Marvin Silva
Paul B. Silvestre
Edith E. & Richard F. Silvestri
Laurel & Howard Skaug
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Ronald E. & Kay F. Smith
Janet J. & Keith D. Sonnanburg
Ronald Soper & Barbara Bunkle
Leslie J. Stein
Glenn T. Strand
Sarah Renee Suenaga
Julie R. Sutter
Michael R. & Shannon M. Swift
Deborah Taheri
Ali & Elaine Tahsili
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James G. & Gail R. Taylor
Rebecca A. Thatcher
Mark P. & Barbara Ann Thompson
Mary Jane Thompson
Solveig H. Thomson
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Western Acquisition, Inc.
Jon C. & Colleen E. White
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Whitehawk Consulting P.C.
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