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Sheri Mizumori published article in Neuron on lessons learned after 12+ years directing the BRAINS Program

Sheri J.Y. Mizumori, Ph.D., BRAINS Program Director and PI co-published a new paper inĀ Neuron titled "Thriving in neuroscience careers: Three lessons from 12+ years of the BRAINS Program."

The NINDS-funded Broadening Representation of Academic Investigators in Neuroscience (BRAINS) Program is a national program dedicated to advancing diversity and inclusion in neuroscience. BRAINS uses a cohort-based professional development model to encourage inclusion, retention, and advancement for early career neuroscientists from historically underrepresented and marginalized groups. groups.

In the new paper, Mizumori and co-investigator Joyce W. Yen, Ph.D. discuss three main lessons learned during the last 12+ years of the Program

  1. Emphasize relations over transactions in professional development
  2. Longitudinal programs provide career-long strategic and intentional development
  3. Importance of dedicated and specialized expertise in professional development

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