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Nicole McNichols was interviewed by The Daily about sex education and whether it should be required in college.


How a UW professor is pushing the boundaries of a modern day sex education

Professor Nicole McNichols teaches the largest and most popular class at UW. Psych 210, a course about human sexuality, has drawn in hundreds of students each quarter that Professor McNichols has taught it.

Your first week in PSYCH 210, Diversity of Human Sexuality, you might know to expect. Rumors about watching porn in class (which happens around week five) zip around UW social circles but beyond that, most students go in blind. Around week two this quarter, professor Nicole McNichols proclaimed the class was going to watch a documentary that “she absolutely loves,” a 50-minute video on the G-spot (which is actually named after a man ).

But McNichols’ bubbly attitude to all things sex is what makes her class what it is.

At 440 students, PSYCH 210 is the largest and most popular undergraduate course at the UW. Packed into Kane 130, it takes a lot for McNichols to stand up in front of that many students every day and talk about sex toys and fetishes.

McNichols has taught this class every quarter for the last five years and loves it.

Her students are an amalgamation of psychology majors, chasers of “easy 4.0s,” diversity credits, and a handful who admit to taking the class purely to get laid (a perfectly valid reason, in McNichols’ opinion).

Read the entire article here .