Tyler Jimenez

Image of Tyler Jimenez

Tyler Jimenez, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
Advising: Not accepting new graduate students in 2025-2026.
Interests: inequality; policing; critical psychology; prejudice; Indigenous


I study social inequality. Using diverse quantitative and qualitative methods, I look at the relationship between social systems (settler colonialism; neoliberal capitalism) and individuals, asking questions such as how these systems are perceived, experienced, legitimized, and resisted.

Additionally, I have conducted research on social issues such as immigration, COVID-19, and police militarization, often at the intersection of political and existential psychology.


University of Missouri (2021)

  • Jimenez, T., Arndt, J., & Helm, P. J. (2023). Prejudicial reactions to the removal of Native American mascots. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
  • Jimenez, T., Helm, P. J., & Arndt, J. (2023). Racial prejudice predicts police militarization. Psychological Science.
  • Schmitt, H. J., Jimenez, T., & Young, I. F. Pandemic precarity: A multi-level study of neoliberal precarity and COVID-related outcomes. (2023). Social and Personality Psychology Compass.
  • Jimenez, T., Helm, P. J., & Arndt, J. (2020). Fighting death with health inequality: The role of mortality cognition and shifting racial demographics in policy attitudes. Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.
  • Jimenez, T., Restar, A., Helm, P. J., Cross, R. I., Barath, D., & Arndt, J. (2020). Fatalism in the context of COVID-19: Perceiving coronavirus as a death sentence predicts reluctance to perform recommended preventive behaviors. Social Science & Medicine - Population Health, 11.
  • Lewis, M., Myhra, L., Smith, B., Holcomb, S., Erb, J., & Jimenez, T. (2020). Tribally specific cultural learning: The Remember the Removal program. AlterNative: An International Journal of Indigenous Peoples, 16(3), 233-247.